I joined Socks For Soldiers a couple of months ago, but have still not finished my first pair of Olive Drab socks. I am trying to finish them this week, since I am on vacation. The legs must be 12" long, and they seem to be taking forever, plus I am using the Magic Loop "Two at a Time" (TAAT) technique for the first time, so it has slowed me down a bit. Both socks must be knit concurrently from an official pattern. Only certain yarns may be used, which have been selected because they have regulation colors (hence the Olive Drab) to wear with their uniforms. Also, they must meet strict standards for wear and tear, and comfort. At this point, I have about 9" done with the legs, and they have passed the 2-liter "Coke Bottle Test".
I strongly encourage anyone who likes knitting socks to join this group. More knitters are always needed. Troops being withdrawn from Iraq are being sent to Afghanistan, and they will probably be there for awhile, since things are such a mess. They are doing a tough job, and I feel good about sending a bit of moral support. It is also a nice connection to the past, when knitters made socks for soldiers in earlier wars. I have made a New Year's Resolution to spend at least 20 minutes a day knitting for SFS in 2009.
I would love to knit socks for family overseas. Anyone know of a posting of the official pattern and types, colors of yarn?
Polly, you have to join SFS to get the official pattern and yarn. It's easy to join, and if you have family serving in the military, you will probably enjoy being on the mailing list, as it is a very supportive group. To join, go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SOCKFORSOLDIERS/?yguid=363015246 and click on "Join this Group."
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